Monday 4 March 2013

Nobody's Perfect Niemals, niemals würden Briten Pferdefleisch essen

Wenn Engländer sagen, sie könnten ein Pferd essen, ist das ganz sicher nur metaphorisch gemeint. Deswegen trifft der jüngste Fleischskandal unseren Lieblingsbriten Ian McMaster besonders hart - and now let's switch to English.
 On a recent trip to Britain from Germany, I was sick within six hours of arriving. And when I say "sick", I don't mean that in the North American sense of just generally feeling ill. I mean violently sick - vomiting or, as we say more colloquially, "throwing up". I realize that's probably TMI (too much information). And I do apologize if you're reading this over lunch.
I can imagine the typical German reaction to my experience: "Well, what else would you expect from that ghastly food?" Much as Germans love Jamie Oliver and his countless cookbooks, many still believe that the average standard of food in Britain lies somewhere between disgusting and life-threatening. And that, à la Asterix, we put mint sauce on everything (that's true only for lamb).

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