Wednesday 1 October 2014

Kreatives Schreiben & Textgestalten

Sie möchten gerne kreativ schreiben und den Text auch gestalten - eventuell auf einem Tablet?

                                                   A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose

Der Kurs bietet Anregung zum Schreiben kurzer Texte (Gedichte, ganz kurze Prosa) und zeigt Möglichkeiten, diese auch zu gestalten. Dies kann mit traditionellen Mitteln geschehen, wir wollen aber auch die Möglichkeiten von Tablets (mit Apps) oder dem Computer ausprobieren.

Voraussetzungen für das kreative Schreiben gibt es keine! Tablets (iPad oder andere), Smartphones oder Laptop bringen Sie zum Kurs, falls sie diese einsetzen möchten.
Der Kurs ist auch offen für TeilnehmerInnen, die Technik nicht nutzen möchten.

Referentin:                 Ellenruth Molz, M.A., Alzenau 
Teilnahmegebühr:      siehe Martinushaus Programm

Zeit:                            Mittwoch, 18.30 – 20.00 Uhr, 5x

Termine:                    15.10./12.11./10.12./21.01.2015./25.02.2015

Anmeldung:                Martinushaus Aschaffenburg


Literaturkurs "Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit"

Anläßlich des Todes des großen Schriftstellers und Nobelpreisträgers Marquez im April dieses Jahres, besprechen wir ein Hauptwerk des Kolumbianers.

Wir treten ein in eine phantastische Welt, beschrieben in grandioser Sprache und mit gewaltigen Bildern ausgeschmückt - Marquez' Version des 'Magischen Realismus' -
"jenes Changieren zwischen Wirklichkeit, Phantastik, Traum und Mythos" (Die Zeit).

Kursmaterial:              Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit
                                   Übersetzer: Curt Meyer-Clason
                                   Fischer TB  neue Ausgabe Mai 2014,  9,95 Euro.
                                   ISBN-13: 9783596162505

Referentin:                 Ellenruth Molz, M.A., Alzenau 
Teilnahmegebühr:      siehe  Martinushaus Programm

Zeit:                            Mittwoch, 10.15 – 11.45 Uhr, 5x

Termine:                    08.10./05.11./03.12./14.01.2015./11.02.2015

Anmeldung:               Martinushaus Aschaffenburg

Why the kids of Asian immigrants excel – and what it teaches us about stereotypes

In Canada, statistics show that second-generation children of immigrants outperform their native-born peers. But that’s not the full story. Some ethnic groups do very well when it comes to education attainment and professional occupations, while others struggle. Why do kids with parents from places such as China often top the achievement lists? 

Ten words to cut from your writing

As Mark Twain famously wrote, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” His point? Strong writing is lean writing.
When you want to make your writing more powerful, cut out words you don’t need – such as the 10 included in this post:
1. Just: The word “just” is a filler word that weakens your writing. Removing it rarely affects meaning, but rather, the deletion tightens a sentence.

Swedish city embarks on 6-hour workday experiment

Gothenburg's public sector employees will have their working hours reduced while being kept on the same pay in effort to create a healthier, happier and cheaper workforce 


Coming and Going

I heard a Brazilian iron-ore magnate speaking on a BBC news program about how he had become so rich, and he said that at one point “the price of iron ore came from $10 a ton to $180 a ton.” I realized that there was a subtle mistake in English usage here: Even if the price is still $180 now, we do not say that the price came from $10 to $180; we say the price went from $10 to $180. But why? 

My life in London's houseboat slums

Where do you live if you cannot afford London's soaring rents? I took the only home I could find: a tiny, mouldy room in a freezing barge on the Thames. And there are many desperate people in the same situation 

10 Very Useful, Specific Words That Don’t Exist In English

But they should

Have you ever tried to express a complicated feeling or situation, but just couldn’t find the word you needed? Sometimes English just kind of falls flat when you need a really specific but succinct way to describe something.
This infographic shows 10 words that exist in other languages that we totally wished existed in English too. 

Little Kids Aren’t Impressed with Rotary Phones

To these kids’ credit, they all recognize that what they’re looking at is a phone of some type. They don’t, however, know it’s called a rotary phone. Many of them don’t know how to dial with it. Most of them have no concept of the busy signal. Some get duped into trying to explain how to send a text message from a rotary phone.
Watch and feel old. Or young. Choice quote from one of the kids: “This was awesome like 20 or 10 years ago, and look how technology advanced! Now people don’t even know what this is!” 

Is social networking making us stupid?

In a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface scientists have found that whilst mass connectivity through social media and the internet makes us look smarter it might be making us stupider.

How Skype Is Sabotaging Your Long Distance Relationship

An hour into Her I was a mess. Though many have complained that they found it hard to empathize with the human-operating system relationship the movie depicts, I found the film all too real because it embodied the worst parts of a long distance relationship. From the little miscommunications that come from not being able to see your partner’s face to struggling to overcome the impossibility of physical intimacy to the panic that strikes when a call goes unanswered — they were all familiar problems. 

What Students Think About Using iPads in School

All 870 students at Hillview Middle School in Menlo Park, Calif. will soon have school-issued iPads that they can use both at school and at home. The school has slowly rolled out the program over the past three years, trying to work out the kinks before issuing the expensive devices to every student. Before students can take the devices home, they’ll have to take a course to get their “digital driver license,” which includes digital citizenship and learning their way around the device.
Eighth grade students at Hillview have had their iPads since the beginning of the school year. Read more on how teachers are using the devices in class so far and their hopes for the future. Here, they weigh in on how the devices change what happens in class, how they think about learning and how they organize their school work.

From hoodies to goodies: today's teenagers have the makings of model citizens

Contrary to the negative media portrayals, a new study shows young people are part of a caring-sharing generation
Good news, for those of you who had lost hope in modern society. According to a report by the thinktank Demos today's teenagers – or youth, as certain newspapers prefer to dub them – far from being antisocial hoody-clad riot-mongers, are actually highly concerned with social issues, keen to volunteer, and take fewer drugs and drink less alcohol than previous generations. This had led to someone who clearly has no real-life experience of the teenage psyche labelling them "Generation C" (C for citizen). Cool.

Monday 24 February 2014

Who's the most significant historical figure?

From Leonardo da Vinci to Einstein, and Shakespeare to Stephen King, two data analysts have ranked the most significant people in history – do the results seem right?

The 10 strangest musical instruments

The cat piano, the ice trumpet, the road that plays Rossini ... Trevor Cox picks the world's weirdest tools for making music

Wednesday 19 February 2014

How Men and Women Use Social Media Differently in One Graphic Read more: Social Media Habits: How Men and Women Use Social Media Differently

Early this morning the Women’s Media Center released its annual women in media report, the details of which were rather depressing. But one infographic included in the report stuck out to us: compiled by, it shows how women and men use social media differently. Check out the full graphic below. 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Blackberrys, iPhones und Laptops machen es einfach: Auch nach der Arbeit E-Mails lesen, schreiben und telefonieren. BMW will diese Stunden nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in Zukunft als Arbeitszeit anerkennen - und ausgleichen. Mitarbeiter sollen zudem Zeiten bekommen, in denen sie unerreichbar sind.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

5 Annoying Tech Habits That Need to Stop Read more: 5 Annoying Tech Habits That Need to Stop

Technology has become a part of our everyday lives over the last 10 years. Seeing people running around with smartphones, tablets and laptops on a daily basis doesn’t even garner a second look as it did in the early 2000’s.
Unfortunately, not everyone reviewed their copy of the Common Courtesy Rulebook that should have come with their beloved devices. Annoying habits have migrated from analog to digital and it’s time for a refresher on what not to do with your tech toys. 

‘Don’t Pick Your Nose:’ Here Are 30 Rules for Boyfriends From Two Genius Little Girls

Massachusetts Mom Gabrielle Daniels posted the below note penned by her two daughters, 6-year-old Blaire and 9-year-old Brooke. In the note, the two little geniuses detail 30 rules their future boyfriends must abide by. Who knew kids gave such good romantic advice?

Magnificent Obsession: How Queen Victoria Influenced Photography

The story of Queen Victoria is surprisingly and deeply intertwined with the birth of photography as a medium. In an exhibition opening at The Getty Museum in Los Angeles on Feb. 4, curator Anne Lyden has organized a comprehensive look at Victoria’s relationship to and influence on photography, from her first encounters with it as a young woman to her seminal Diamond Jubilee portrait. Victoria grasped from a young age what it would take the rest of the world many years to realize: that photography could be both an artistic medium as well as a mechanism of propaganda.

Sunday 26 January 2014

7 Things Extremely Persuasive People Do

While many people don’t like to sell, most find themselves having to persuade someone at some point. Persuasion is not just for salespeople and their prospects. You may try to persuade an employee to perform better, or perhaps you want to persuade your boss to take on your brilliant idea. Often the most effective persuaders are your kids. Somehow they come by it naturally while you, the adult, has to work hard to find the persuasive path to success. 

Monday 20 January 2014

From ‘E-mail’ to ‘Email’: Dropping Hyphens Like They’re Hot Read more: New York Times Updates Stylebook--and Puts Some Hyphens to Rest

As of this week, reporters at the New York Times will no longer refer to e-mail. They will, instead, refer to email. The discarded hyphen comes with a batch of other updates to the Gray Lady’s stylebook—and in a time when hyphens have reason to be out of favor. 

The family company that invented the snow globe

Erwin Perzy III knows a thing or two about making it snow - it's the family business.
The 57-year-old Austrian is the grandson of the man widely acknowledged as the inventor of the snow globe. His grandfather, the first Erwin Perzy, came up with the idea by accident in 1900.
Mass production started in Vienna in 1905, and 108 years later, the company - Original Vienna Snow Globes - is still going strong. 

Royal pardon for codebreaker Alan Turing

Computer pioneer and codebreaker Alan Turing has been given a posthumous royal pardon.
It addresses his 1952 conviction for gross indecency following which we was chemically castrated.
He had been arrested after having an affair with a 19-year-old Manchester man.
The conviction meant he lost his security clearance and had to stop the code-cracking work that had proved vital to the Allies in World War Two. 

10 truly bizarre Victorian deaths

Life in Victorian times was arguably considerably more dangerous than now, if the newspaper reports of the time are anything to go by, writes Jeremy Clay.
A recent BBC News Magazine piece set out the dangers within the Victorian or Edwardian home. But there were plenty of ways to come a cropper outside the home. 

The map that saved the London Underground

Europe was about to tear itself apart, but Londoners in 1914 were more preoccupied with the overcrowding on the Tube and a profanity uttered in a new West End play.
Just outside St Paul's, the Tube train hiccoughs twice, then stops. The bearded man in painter's overalls squashed beside me asks rhetorically why we should pay such ludicrous ticket prices for such a geriatric transport network? A flood of complaints echoes him: "London's going to the dogs!" 

Sean Bobbitt on 12 Years a Slave: 'The camera does not look away'

12 Years a Slave doesn't give its audience an easy ride. Sean Bobbitt, its cinematographer, talks about shooting the film's most uncomfortable scenes.
Texas-born Sean Bobbitt has had a busy couple of years. In 2013, his films included The Place Beyond the Pines, Everyday, Byzantium and Oldboy.
But it is his work on Steve McQueen's harrowing historical drama 12 Years a Slave that is getting most attention. 

Sklaven-Drama "12 Years a Slave": Freier Mann in Ketten

Bei den Golden Globes wurde "12 Years a Slave" als bester Film ausgezeichnet, jetzt gilt das packende, historisch verbürgte Drama als Oscar-Favorit. Der britische Regisseur Steve McQueen meint, Amerika sei bereit, sich mit dem düsteren Kapitel Sklaverei zu beschäftigen. 

Monday 13 January 2014

Studie zur Arbeitsmoral Jeder vierte Chef klagt über Berufsanfänger

Junge Berufsanfänger sind lustlos und gehen Probleme nicht systematisch an: Laut einer Studie sind 26 Prozent der deutschen Arbeitgeber mit dem Nachwuchs unzufrieden. Noch schlimmer ist die Lage nach Einschätzung der Firmen in den Euro-Krisenländern. 

This Post Will Make You A More Effective Communicator In 90 Seconds Read more: This Post Will Make You A More Effective Communicator In 90 Seconds

I’ve recently been doing a bit of research on space exploration. The hunt has inevitably led me to stories about SpaceX founder (and billionaire genius) Elon Musk, a man whose mission to colonize Mars has led to the development of self-landing rockets, among other innovations over the last few years.

Stop asking employees for sick notes, OMA head urges

If your boss makes you go to the doctor for a sick note – when you would be better off in bed – you may want to bring this physician-approved recommendation to work: Sick notes just make everyone more sick.
In a written statement posted online, the president of the Ontario Medical Association, Dr. Scott Wooder, urged employees with the flu to stay home – and their employers not to ask them for sick notes that require a visit to a doctor’s office. That’s a costly practice, Wooder pointed out, since it fills up appointment times unnecessarily and brings sick people into a waiting room, where they can infect other patients waiting to see the doctor. 

Nudel-Printer: Barilla arbeitet an 3-D-Drucker für Pasta

Spaghetti auf Knopfdruck: Die Nudelfirma Barilla arbeitet an einem 3-D-Drucker für Pasta. Kunden sollen auch ihre eigenen Entwürfe für die Teigwaren auf einem USB-Stick mitbringen können.
Parma/Eindhoven - Der italienische Lebensmittelkonzern Barilla entwickelt gemeinsam mit einem niederländischen Institut 3-D-Drucker für Pasta. Die Geräte sollen an Restaurants verkauft werden und auf Knopfdruck verschiedene Nudelsorten produzieren, wie bereits kürzlichverschiedene Blogs berichteten. Das Forschungsinstitut TNO aus Eindhoven bestätigte das Projekt, Barilla war zunächst nicht für eine Stellungnahme zu erreichen.;postID=7209160363297106070 

12 Years a Slave: Who was Solomon Northup?

With 10 Bafta and seven Golden Globe nominations, 12 Years a Slave looks set to triumph this awards season. The film is based on a 150-year-old account of how Solomon Northup, born a free man, was kidnapped into slavery. But who was Northup and why, until recently, was he virtually forgotten? 

What I wish I had known: 16 student tips on how to find a job

The Globe and Mail Student Advisory Council is composed of university and college students and recent graduates talking about life on Canadian campuses and in the classroom.
1. Most employers would rather train someone they like than work with an experienced person whom they dislike.
2. Let your passion drive you and let your brain make decisions. People who do, end up happy and successful in their own way. Those who don’t, end up extinguishing their passion because their brain told them to play it safe and have smaller goals.